Molekul Terbaru Mengubah Karbon dioksida Menjadi Bahan Bakar

6/14/2017 Add Comment

Molekul CO2 berinteraksi dengan Renium (Biru) dan mengubahnya menjadi Karbon monoksida.

(Ben Noffke And Richard Schaugaard)

Kita tidak bisa hanya mengurangi emisi karbon saja untuk menghadang pemanasan global, hal inilah yang membuat peneliti mencari cara untuk mendaur ulang karbon dioksida menjadi sumber bahan bakar berbahan karbon netral. Baru-baru ini tim peneliti yang dipimpin oleh Profesor Liang-shi dari Universitas Indiana tengah mencari cara untuk mewujudkannya dengan menggunakan sinar matahari dan suatu molekul kimia khusus.
Molekul tersebut adalah sepotong nanografene dengan atom renium yang terikat. Nanographene bertindak sebagai pengumpul surya dengan menyerap energi sinar matahari dan mentransmisikan energinya menuju renium, sehingga memecah molekul karbon dioksida menjadi karbon monoksida yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar. Terobosan yang terdapat dalam Journal of American Chemical Society. "Karbon monoksida merupakan bahan baku penting dalam berbagai proses industri," ungkap Profesor Li. "Ini juga merupakan cara untuk menyimpan energi sebagai bahan bakar netral karbon karena Anda tidak menyumbang karbon kembali ke atmosfir lebih dari yang telah Anda gunakan. Anda hanya melepaskan kembali tenaga surya yang Anda gunakan untuk membuatnya."

Tim melihat ke dalam renium, yang digunakan dalam molekul bipiridin, karena pengaruhnya dalam mengurangi karbon dioksida sudah diteliti. Namun bipyridine ini membutuhkan sinar UV. Oleh karena itulah mereka menggunakan graphene (hanya memiliki satu lapisan atom karbon) untuk menyerap sinar matahari sebanyak mungkin dan mentransfer energi tersebut.
Li juga menambahkan jika kita bias membuat molekul yang cukup efisien untuk reaksi ini, akan diproduksi energy bebas dan dapat disimpan dalam bentuk bahan bakar, dan penelitian ini merupakan lompatan besar kea arah itu.
Daun nanographene berperan sebagai sel surya. Cahaya menghasilkan arus melaluinya, dengan elektron yang mengalir menuju “mesin" renium, yang memecah molekul CO2 dan melepaskan karbon monoksida.
Terobosan ini hanyalah langkah awal, meski tim sudah sibuk menjajaki langkah selanjutnya. Mereka ingin agar molekul lebih tahan sehingga tahan lama dan tidak perlu dalam bentuk cair. Mereka juga berharap bisa menemukan pengganti renium, yang merupakan logam langka. Mereka pikir mangan, yang lebih murah, mungkin saja mampu digunakan.
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6/14/2017 Add Comment

Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Halo Bontengers
Ada info lomba tingkat nasional nih! yg ngadainnya ITB lho.. khusus buat mahasiswa S1 ya!
pengumpulan abstraknya maksimal 15 mei. yuk daftar!


HIMABIO ‘Nymphaea’ ITB

Melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan mahasiswa S1 di Indonesia dapat memiliki pemahaman mengenai konservasi serta kaitannya dengan biodiversitas, dan dapat mengembangkan pemahaman tersebut menjadi sebuah ide yang dituangkan dalam bentuk artikel ilmiah.

Lomba karya tulis ini terbuka untuk seluruh mahasiswa sarjana (S1) dari seluruh perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.

Tema Lomba :
“Inovasi Strategi Konservasi Guna Menjaga Biodiversitas Indonesia yang Berkelanjutan”

Ketentuan Umum :
1) Lomba ini dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) tahap perlombaan, yakni seleksi abstrak, penilaian makalah, dan presentasi poster.
2) Pengumpulan abstrak dibuka pada tanggal 15 Mei 2017 hingga 15 Juli 2017.
3) Peserta yang mengumpulkan abstrak akan dikenakan biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 30.000,- per tim, dibayarkan melalui No. Rekening BRI: 0593-01-012362-50-8 a.n. Ristag Hamida Hanisia atau secara langsung ke sekretariat HIMABIO ‘Nymphaea’ Institut Teknologi Bandung.
4) Peserta yang lulus seleksi abstrak dan mengumpulkan makalah akan dikenakan biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 100.000,- per tim, dibayarkan melalui No. Rekening BRI: 0593-01-012362-50-8 a.n. Ristag Hamida Hanisia atau secara langsung ke sekretariat HIMABIO ‘Nymphaea’ Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Syarat dan Ketentuan Peserta : 
1) Setiap tim terdiri dari 2-3 orang dan satu dosen pembimbing (tidak wajib) serta berasal dari satu institusi yang sama.
2) Setiap institusi berhak mengirimkan tim sebanyak mungkin.

Kriteria Penulisan : 
1) Karya tulis merupakan karya sendiri/orisinal, tidak mengandung unsur plagiarisme, belum pernah dipublikasikan di media manapun, belum pernah diikutkan dalam perlombaan sejenis, dan belum pernah dipresentasikan sebelumnya.

2) Karya tulis bersifat objektif dan didukung oleh fakta yang aktual.
3) Karya tulis ditulis secara sistematis dan logis serta menggunakan bahasa indonesia sesuai EYD.
4) Karya tulis dapat berupa laporan penelitian atau kajian pustaka.
5) Karya tulis dapat merepresentasikan ide dalam bentuk metode atau strategi konservasi yang inovatif, kreatif, dan solutif.

Panduan selengkapnya dapat dilihat di klik broh

1) Juara 1 : Uang tunai Rp 2.500.000,-; sertifikat, dan trofi, serta free entry pada acara Seminar Nasional BENTANG 2017.
2) Juara 2 : Uang tunai Rp 1.500.000,-; sertifikat, dan trofi, serta free entry pada acara Seminar Nasional BENTANG 2017.
3) Juara 3 : Uang tunai Rp 1.000.000,-; sertifikat, dan trofi, serta free entry pada acara Seminar Nasional BENTANG 2017.
4) Juara kategori Karya Tulis dengan ide paling menarik : Sertifikat juara
5) Juara kategori Karya Tulis dengan ide paling bermanfaat : Sertifikat juara
6) Juara kategori Poster Karya Tulis favorit : Sertifikat juara
7) Finalis : Sertifikat dan free entry untuk acara Seminar Nasional BENTANG 2017.

Timeline Lomba
1) Pengumpulan abstrak dibuka pada tanggal 15 Mei 2017 hingga 15 Juli 2017.
2) Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran pengumpulan abstrak karya tulis dilakukan pada tanggal 15 Mei 2017 hingga 12 Juli 2017.
3) Peserta yang lolos tahapan seleksi abstrak akan diumumkan pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2017.
4) Pembayaran pengumpulan makalah karya tulis serta konfirmasi kehadiran  seminar bagi peserta yang lolos seleksi abstrak dilakukan pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2017 hingga 17 Agustus 2017.
5) Pengumpulan makalah dibuka pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2017 hingga 31 Agustus 2017.
6) Peserta yang lolos tahapan seleksi abstrak akan melakukan presentasi poster pada acara seminar nasional yang akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 September 2017.
7) Pengumuman 3 (tiga) juara terbaik akan diumumkan pada acara Seminar Nasional BENTANG 2017 pada tanggal 16 September 2017.

  • Adjie (No. HP/WA: 08990928560 / LINE: xenophilia)
  • Ira (No. HP/WA: 081261622892 / LINE: humairayusva)
Line: @zxt2830q
Instagram: @bentang2k17

Materi Termodinamika I

6/14/2017 Add Comment


Post pertama dibagian materi sengaja Om pilih Termodinamika wkakakk
Kenapa?? Karena mata kuliah inilah khususnya di Teknik Mesin yang banyak GA LULUS nya.
adek bertanya : Om lulus ga?
Om : Lulus dongg.. meskipun berakhir di nilai yaa begitulah.. "yang penting lulus" :v

Jadi buat para bontengers apalagi yang jurusan teknik mesin harap pelajari baik-baik nih. inilah neraka teknik mesin nomer 1. huahahahaha

Sedikit tentang termodinamika, Termodinamika adalah ilmu yang mempelajari energi, panas, kerja, entropi dan lain-lain (maap ga paham seluruhnya). Ya intinya nanti kalian bakalan belajar kayak perpindahan panas, proses di lemari es. Nah yang paling LIEUR (pusing) itu baca tabel termodinamikanya. Banyak sekali yang harus dicari belum lagi kalo harus diiterasi biar dapat nilainya. Kalo kalian jago Termonya enak nih kerja di pembangkit listrik.

Biasanya univ saya kalo ujian itu cuman 4 soal buat 2 jam dan sepengalaman saya ga pernah beres semua ke isi :"). Selain itu nilai-nilai juga rata-ratanya kecil. yang nilai 80 keatas bisa diitung pake jari. udahlah curhatnya cukup segitu :v

Silahkan dinikmati Bontengers


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Sumber gambar :
Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards 2017

Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards 2017

6/14/2017 Add Comment

If you’ve got an initiative, product or service already in action that’s tackling a sustainability problem, or you know someone else whose brilliant work deserves recognition, we want to hear from you. 


About the Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards
Celebrating young sustainability innovators - The Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards are all about supporting and celebrating inspirational young people from all over the world with existing initiatives, products or services that are tackling some of the planet’s biggest sustainability challenges.
We are living in a world where temperatures are rising, water shortages are more frequent, food supplies are increasingly scarce and the gap between rich and poor is increasing. Populations are growing fast, making basic hygiene and sanitation even more of a challenge.
We can overcome these challenges and build a bright future for everyone, if we work together. But to do this, the world needs a plan. These Awards recognise 18 to 35 year olds who are putting ideas into action.
Why are we doing all this? We see a big opportunity: to support, inspire, reward and collaborate with a new generation of the world’s most brilliant young changemakers; innovators who are the future of sustainability. Imagine what we can achieve together.
We are looking for innovative and scalable technologies or initiatives that are contributing to one or more of these four categories:
Farm to Table
In this category, we are looking for inspiring entrepreneurs who are working on sustainable initiatives relating to food and drink production right through to consumption.
We are looking for entrepreneurs who can demonstrate innovation that not only protects the planet’s natural resources, but will help to transform our food systems, offering a long-term approach that can create value and enhanced livelihoods for farmers, and ensure security of supply for the long-term. Entries should ensure issues such as deforestation and land use, alongside social and community issues are managed responsibly. You may be working with smallholder farmers to improve their environmental practices across their supply chain, or helping them with social programmes such as access to education, community empowerment initiatives or encouraging young people into agriculture.
However, it’s not all about sustainable agriculture - we also want to hear from entrepreneurs who are working in the area of food and drink consumption and nutrition. You may be working to inspire and inform people about sustainable nutrition or helping them to make better choices. Perhaps you are creating food and drink products that support the long-term health of people and the planet.
Opportunities for Women
We are seeking initiatives that help to tackle the discrimination and disadvantages millions of women face around the world. You might be working to help provide access to skills and training for women, and creating opportunities for women to actively, safely and fairly participate in the economy.
Alternatively, you might be working on a micro-enterprise initiative to help women on low-incomes escape poverty.
From Australia to Zimbabwe, if you are creating opportunities for women somewhere in the world, we want to hear from you!
Are there entrepreneurs out there with ingenious initiatives that help to tackle waste – to reduce, reuse or recycle waste throughout the pre-production, production and consumption lifecycle? Initiatives should demonstrate a clear business (financial), consumer (benefit), social and environmental case.
We are looking for initiatives across the waste spectrum – not just initiatives tackling packaging waste. For example, you could be developing an ingenious solution to reduce or rethink the choice of materials in production phase, or running a project that helps improve the livelihoods of people who are working in waste collection, or working on a recycling incentive scheme that is set to revolutionise the way a country tackles their waste issue, or an idea to reuse waste materials.
If it’s about tackling waste of any sort, we want to hear from you!
Are you working on an initiative that tackles water scarcity, or one that addresses water pollution or sanitation and hygiene issues?
We are looking for solutions that conserve or reduce the amount of water used across communities, or during the extraction or cultivation of raw materials or through manufacturing processes. Perhaps you have an initiative that is helping people and organisations better manage access to water and adopt tools and behaviours which help them use less in the home or in a business?
Individuals in the developing world can be healthier—and communities more productive—if they have access to clean water and better sanitation. We are also seeking entrepreneurs with initiatives that address how to improve hygiene practices in any country, or offer an innovation to improve access to sanitation in remote areas.

Opportunity is About:


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate:

What to enter?
We’re looking for initiatives relating to one or more of the four categories we’re focusing on: Farm to Table, Opportunities for Women, Waste and Water. Whether it’s with an initiative, product or service, if you’ve gone beyond the initial concept and started to make an impact, we want to hear from you.
Who can enter?
Anyone from around the world, aged between 18 and 35 (as of 30 June 2017), who is working on an initiative in one of our four categories; Farm to Table, Opportunities for Women, Waste and Water. Your initiative must have already progressed beyond the idea stage and started making an impact.
How to enter?
To submit your entry, you’ll need to create a profile and complete the application form. You’ll need to tell us all about your initiative’s story so far, and your vision for its future. The more you can share, the better.
  • The competition is open to founders or co-founders, aged between 18 and 35 (as of 30 June 2017), of initiatives from any part of the world with the exception of those based in Russia, due to local data protection laws.
  • Initiatives must relate to one or more of the categories: Farm to Table, Opportunities for Women, Waste and Water.
  • Entries must have grown beyond the conceptual stage to include actions the applicant has already taken – whether through informal networks, via an existing institution, or by creating a new enterprise.
  • Entries cannot be accepted from current Unilever employees, nor can entries promote Unilever or its products, however, the entrepreneur may have worked with Unilever in the past or may be working with Unilever currently as a third party supplier.
  • Entries must be submitted in English.
  • Entrants must be available to attend the Accelerator Programme in Cambridge from Friday 27th October, and subsequent events in London the following week.
Entrants will be assessed on:
  • Initiative summary: You should describe your initiative succinctly, and communicate a compelling narrative that makes it stand out from the rest.
  • Team: We are looking for founders / co-founders who are aspirational as well as inspirational, demonstrated through their dedication to making their venture work. Show us how you will, or are already building a team who can support your venture now and in the future.
  • Impact: Explain how your solution measures impact through both quantitative and qualitative data. The best solutions will demonstrate social, economic, and environmental impact.
  • Business model, including:
    • Financial plan and growth
    • Innovation and competitor awareness
  • Entries will also be evaluated on:
    • How the Awards process and prizes would impact the success of the initiative.
    • How effectively the entrepreneur is able to engage with relevant communities and stakeholders to realise the potential of the solution.
    • How the level of ambition is underpinned by the capability to deliver.


Deadline: June 30, 2017

Cost/funding for participants:

The Prizes
If you are a winner, the unique prizes on offer will take your initiative to a whole new level, fuelling growth of your business and maximising your impact.
The Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards will recognise up to eight winners in 2017. Two finalists in each of the four categories will be selected from a video interview process and invited to an Accelerator Programme in Cambridge, where they will work with experts from the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, Unilever and other guest experts.
A winner will be selected out of each of the four categories. Those category winners will go forward to pitch to a guest judging panel who will then decide on the overall winner of the 2017 competition. The overall winner will receive the ‘HRH The Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize.’
All will attend a special prize event hosted in London.
  • The winner of the ‘HRH The Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize’ will receive a €50,000 cash award and one-to-one mentoring support tailored to their specific needs for a duration of 12 months.
  • The category winners will receive a €10,000 cash award and one-to-one mentoring support tailored to their specific needs for a duration of 12 months.
  • The category finalists will receive a €7,000 cash award and one-to-one mentoring support tailored to their specific needs for a duration of 12 months.

Info lanjut kunjungi



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